Beautiful Shrubs for the Garden: How to Grow Abelia

14.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Abelia chinensis - Chinese Abelia. Delicate shrub, loses foliage in winter. White funnel-shaped flowers give it a special charm, the plant blooms from June to October.

The soil

There are no special requirements for the soil, as long as it is well drained. Prefer soil fertilized with organic matter. Abelia grandiflora tolerates liming well. Pruning is usually not required, only dry, damaged or ugly located branches are removed.


Abundant watering is necessary from spring to autumn. At the same time, you can spray the plant. In winter, watering is reduced, carefully making sure that the soil does not dry out.


From the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, Abelia must be fed with complex fertilizers.

In spring, summer and autumn, abelia must be fed 2 times a month with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Photo: Pixabay

How does abelia reproduce

Abelia is propagated by cuttings, seeds or root shoots. The seeds are sown in January. Seedlings grow rapidly, and flowering of young plants may occur in the same year. The shoots and stem cuttings that remain after pruning can be propagated by the plant in the spring.


Abelia does not require specific care: well-drained rich soils, partial shade or sun, and watering during drought - that's all she needs. Old shoots are removed immediately after flowering.

In the dry period, a little moisture is required.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. The soil
  2. Watering
  3. Fertilizer
  4. How does abelia reproduce
  5. Care