Don't overfeed your plants: Gardening tips

11.09.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Gardeners need to fertilize their plants regularly, so they can get all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

Overfertilizing plants means giving them too much plant food, and this can actually harm them. 

But why does giving more mean harm?

Fertilizers are like food for plants

Plants need nutrients from fertilizer to grow, just like we need food to stay healthy. 

However, if we give plants too much fertilizer, it's like eating too much candy – it might seem fun at first, but it can make us sick.


They can't absorb the extra

When plants get too much fertilizer, they can't absorb all the extra nutrients. 

This excess can build up in the soil and start to damage the plant's roots. It's a bit like clogging their pipes. 

As a result, the plant may have trouble taking in water and other essential nutrients, which are like their drinks and balanced meals.

System overload

This overload of nutrients can also cause the plant to grow too quickly and become weak. 

Imagine a kid growing too fast; their bones might not be strong enough to support their body. 

Similarly, the plant's stems might become weak and floppy.

Sometimes it leads to worse things

In extreme cases, overfertilizing can even lead to burned leaves or stunted growth. 

It's essential to follow the recommended guidelines for fertilizing your plants to keep them healthy and avoid these problems. 

Just like we need a balanced diet, plants need the right amount of nutrients to thrive.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Fertilizers are like food for plants
  2. They can't absorb the extra
  3. System overload
  4. Sometimes it leads to worse things