Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Tigridia

03.09.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

At the end of March, they need to be planted in a container with light soil.

Up to 4 tigridia bulbs are placed in one small pot to a depth of at least 3 cm, after which it is necessary to water moderately for several weeks.

How Tigridia blooms

One bulb forms up to 5 peduncles, on which 3-5 buds are formed. The leaves are light green, folded and xiphoid. Perianths are very bright: orange, red, purple or yellow. Flowering begins in July and lasts about three weeks.

How to prepare tigridia bulbs for planting

Before planting, tigridia bulbs must be pickled for 2 hours in a solution of 4 ml of Maxim in 2 liters of water - this treatment will further protect plants from gray and white rot, fusarium and other diseases.

The depth of planting bulbs depends on their size.


Where to plant tigridia

Tigridia should be planted in an open, well-lit area. It also grows in partial shade, but then the flower stalks of the plant will be thinner and weaker, and they will have to be tied to a support.

Tigridia does not like drafts and sharp gusts of wind that break its fragile, thin stems.

Preparing for winter and storing tigridia bulbs

In autumn, after the aerial parts of the plant wither, stop watering. Before the first frost, and preferably in advance, dig up the plants.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How Tigridia blooms
  2. How to prepare tigridia bulbs for planting
  3. Where to plant tigridia
  4. Preparing for winter and storing tigridia bulbs