Pests that can destroy your garden: Not only aphids and snails

06.07.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Most gardeners know what pests are the most dangerous to the crops they're currently growing.

But the list of insects and even animals that can damage your plants is actually pretty wide.

Here are a few more options you should remember about.


Various caterpillar species, such as cabbage loopers, tomato hornworms, and corn earworms, can be destructive to garden plants. 

They feed voraciously on leaves, stems, and fruits, causing defoliation and reducing crop yields. 


Identifying and controlling caterpillar pests early is important to prevent significant damage.

Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles are notorious pests that can skeletonize leaves, leaving only the veins behind. 

They feed on a wide range of plants, including roses, grapes, and fruit trees. 

Large populations of Japanese beetles can cause significant damage and defoliation.


Whiteflies are small, flying insects that gather in large numbers on the undersides of leaves. 

They feed on plant sap and can cause leaf yellowing, stunting, and the transmission of plant viruses. 

Whiteflies can be challenging to control due to their rapid reproduction and ability to develop resistance to certain insecticides.

Deer and Rabbits

While not insects, deer and rabbits are common garden pests that can cause extensive damage. 

They feed on various plants, including vegetables, flowers, and ornamental shrubs, often leaving behind chewed leaves, broken stems, and trampled beds.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Caterpillars
  2. Japanese Beetles
  3. Whiteflies
  4. Deer and Rabbits