Scindapsus - An Unpretentious Plant for the Home: How to Grow

30.12.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Scindapsus is a lover of bright, diffused sunlight, so the best places for it are not only eastern and western window sills, but also places illuminated by a phytolamp (13 hours/day).

Is it possible to keep scindapsus in the house

You need to be careful if there are small children and animals at home.

The sap from the leaves of the plant is poisonous and can cause harm.

But the juice can only be harmful if the leaves are crushed or chewed.

Irritation may appear on the skin, and large amounts of juice ingested can cause poisoning.


What kind of soil does Scindapsus need

The scindapsus flower requires a slightly acidic and neutral substrate.

The ready-made mixture is suitable for decorative deciduous crops such as palm trees, Saintpaulias, and begonias.

The soil should be loose and humus.

The soil should always remain breathable and light.

How to plant scindapsus correctly

Scindapsus is loved for its luxurious greenery, ease of care and ease of propagation. In order to propagate this plant, you just need to take a pruner and cut off a small shoot from the branches and place it in water. In just two weeks it will have roots, which means it can be planted in a pot.

What does scindapsus like

The plant loves humidity, so it is better to spray the leaves regularly, give them a warm shower, or wipe them with a damp soft cloth or sponge.

Water the Scindapsus after the soil has dried to a third depth.

If you notice that droplets of water appear on the back of the leaves, this means excess moisture.

You need to stop watering for several days.

The frequency of watering is every 2-4 days in summer, every 10-12 days in winter.

Previously we talked about how to grow common ivy.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to keep scindapsus in the house
  2. What kind of soil does Scindapsus need
  3. How to plant scindapsus correctly