Try unusual garden plants: Make your garden unique

04.09.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Unusual garden plants are those that deviate from the typical, common plants you might expect to see in a garden. 

These plants often have unique features, striking appearances, or unusual growth habits that make them stand out. 

Here are some examples of the most unusual garden plants.

Corpse Flower

This massive plant is known for its enormous and foul-smelling flower. 

It can reach heights of over 10 feet and produces a flower that emits a strong odor similar to that of rotting flesh.

bat flower

Pitcher Plant

Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that have pitcher-shaped structures filled with digestive fluids. 

They attract and trap insects, using them as a source of nutrients.

Venus Flytrap

Another carnivorous plant, the Venus flytrap, has modified leaves that snap shut when triggered by an insect. 

It's a captivating example of nature's adaptations.


Also known as living stones, lithops are succulent plants that have evolved to resemble stones as a camouflage against herbivores. 

They are native to arid regions and are popular for their unique appearance.

Bat Flower

This tropical plant produces striking flowers that resemble bat wings, giving rise to its name. 

It's known for its dark coloration and intricate details.

Tricolor Stromanthe

This plant's leaves feature a stunning mix of colors, including pink, green, and cream. 

It's a favorite among plant enthusiasts for its vibrant foliage.

Elephant's Foot Yam

This unusual yam plant develops a bulbous, caudex-like structure above the soil that looks like an elephant's foot. 

It's a popular choice for those who appreciate unique plant forms.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Corpse Flower
  2. Pitcher Plant
  3. Venus Flytrap
  4. Lithops
  5. Bat Flower
  6. Tricolor Stromanthe
  7. Elephant's Foot Yam