How to get rid of spiders in an apartment: there are many ways

19.05.2024 02:00

Spiders often live in residential buildings.

Getting rid of them is easier than you think.

How to get rid of spiders in the house

Spiders, as a rule, appear in houses when it is cold outside, for example, in winter and very cold.

In addition, they are very fond of houses with high air humidity and the presence of other insects in the house.

To repel spiders in the house, an orange and a regular lemon, crushed chestnut or hazelnut are suitable.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Place them in the corners of your home.

The strong smell of citrus fruits and nuts will prevent spiders from living in your home.

In addition, rooms can be treated with mint solution, eucalyptus or tea oil.

To do this, add about twenty drops of essential oil per liter of liquid.

Then spray all the cracks, corners and baseboards in your apartment.

Also, spiders do not like the smell of sheep wool, which can simply be spread around the house.

You can also grow a citrus plant in your home that will repel spiders with its scent.

How to get rid of spiders using vinegar

Regular table vinegar will also help you get rid of spiders.

To do this, take water and table vinegar in a one to one ratio.

This mixture can be used to treat all places where cobwebs and spiders have been noticed.

The pungent smell of vinegar will scare away spiders and they will stop settling in your house.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to get rid of spiders in the house
  2. How to get rid of spiders using vinegar