Is it possible to drink brewed tea the next day: an answer that will surprise

30.05.2024 08:00

Many people forget about their brewed tea and drink the drink even every other day.

Is it safe to drink long-brewed tea

It is recommended to drink black tea within 20 minutes after it is brewed.

Of course, after 5 hours it will not yet become harmful, but it will already lose its real taste and aroma.

If you accidentally forget to drink your tea, you can still enjoy it even if less than four hours have passed.

Experts do not recommend drinking yesterday's brewed tea, as the drink is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Photo: © Belnovosti

On the other hand, infused black or green tea is rich in acids and fluoride.

These substances help with inflammation of the oral cavity, as well as deficiencies.

However, for the safety of your health, you should not drink tea that was brewed yesterday.

Even within a day, brewed tea can multiply fungal spores and harmful bacteria.

After 2 days of life of this microflora, mold already appears in green or black tea, and the drink turns into real poison for humans.

It should be remembered that oxidation and proliferation of bacteria occurs at room temperature, so in extreme cases, tea or tea leaves can be placed in the refrigerator.

Remember that tea can be stored refrigerated for no more than 12 hours.

It's better to make a new portion of the drink.

Previously, we told you how to restore pile in a carpet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource