It turns out that the housewives do not know why the small and sharp side of the grater

25.03.2022 23:15

Modern technology is replacing hand-held kitchen tools that were actively used several decades ago.

However, sometimes even in the most advanced kitchen there is a place for a grater.

The device for grinding food was a hit on a par with a manual meat grinder.

Many graters have a shallow, sharp side. Many housewives still do not know its purpose, so they rarely use it.

Some believe that garlic is rubbed on this side or fish is cleaned.

Foto: Pixabay

In fact, small sharpened teeth help to prepare mashed potatoes for young children.

Beforetime mothers did not have blenders, mixers and other devices at hand that make work in the kitchen easier.

In addition, finding baby puree in stores was not an easy task, so a grater saved in this situation. The tool helped to mash fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, this side can be used to peel the lemon from the zest, as well as to grind crackers, nuts, and cinnamon.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource