Interior tips: Making small windows look bigger – tips that work

30.12.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Big windows tend to look great, but not all houses have them - so what can you do?

If remodeling your house isn't an option, then you can use some tricks to make them look bigger.

Here are a few interior tips that might help you.

Use sheer curtains

Hang sheer curtains that allow natural light to pass through while maintaining privacy. 

Sheer fabrics create a soft and airy look, making windows feel larger and more open.


Hang curtains higher and wider

Install curtain rods closer to the ceiling and extend them wider than the window frame. 

This creates the illusion of taller and wider windows, making them appear larger.

Choose light-colored curtains

Opt for light-colored curtains or blinds that reflect more natural light. 

Light colors help maximize brightness and create a sense of spaciousness.

Avoid heavy window treatments

Steer clear of bulky or elaborate window treatments that can overwhelm small windows. 

Instead, opt for sleek and minimalistic designs to maintain a clean and open feel.

Use mirrors strategically

Place mirrors across from or adjacent to the windows. 

Mirrors reflect light and create the illusion of depth, making the windows feel larger and the room more expansive.

Trim back foliage

If there are plants or trees obstructing the view of the windows from the outside, consider pruning or trimming them to allow more natural light to enter the room. 

Increased brightness can make windows appear bigger.

Keep window sills clutter-free

Avoid placing objects or decor items on the window sills that can obstruct the view. 

Clearing the space helps create a clean and unobstructed look, making the windows feel more prominent.

Use window frames in a light color

Paint or choose window frames in a light color that contrasts with the wall color. 

This contrast draws attention to the windows and creates the illusion of a larger opening.

Recently, we talked about wall posters.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Use sheer curtains
  2. Hang curtains higher and wider
  3. Choose light-colored curtains
  4. Avoid heavy window treatments
  5. Use mirrors strategically
  6. Trim back foliage
  7. Keep window sills clutter-free
  8. Use window frames in a light color