When you don't have many windows: Interior tips

27.11.2023 07:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Windows can make your house better because they add light and allow you to see what's going on outside.

Meanwhile, some houses don't have many windows, so they might feel a bit claustrophobic. 

Here are a few ideas on what you can do in that situation.

Use Mirrors

Hang mirrors on the walls. They reflect light and make the room feel more spacious.

Choose Light Colors

Paint your walls in light colors like white, cream, or pastels. Light colors make rooms look brighter.


Add Lamps

Use lamps to brighten up dark corners. Place them strategically to spread light around the room.

Pick Sheer Curtains

Choose sheer curtains that let in more light. Heavy curtains can make a room feel darker.

Opt for Light Furniture

Pick furniture in light colors. Dark furniture can make a room seem smaller and darker.

Keep it Tidy

A tidy space feels more open. Declutter and organize your belongings to create a more spacious feeling.

Decorate with Plants

Place indoor plants in well-lit spots. They not only add greenery but also bring life to a room.

Use Artificial Lighting

Add extra lighting with floor lamps or table lamps. Choose bulbs labeled "daylight" for a more natural light feel.

Hang Art Strategically

Hang artwork on the walls to create visual interest. This draws attention away from the lack of windows.

Choose Glass or Lucite Furniture

Furniture made of glass or lucite can make a room feel less crowded and allow light to pass through.

Keep Windows Clear

If you have windows, make sure to keep them clean. Dirty windows can block natural light.

Place Light-Colored Rugs

Use light-colored rugs on the floor. They reflect light and make the room feel brighter.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Use Mirrors
  2. Choose Light Colors
  3. Add Lamps
  4. Pick Sheer Curtains
  5. Opt for Light Furniture
  6. Keep it Tidy
  7. Decorate with Plants
  8. Use Artificial Lighting
  9. Hang Art Strategically
  10. Choose Glass or Lucite Furniture
  11. Keep Windows Clear
  12. Place Light-Colored Rugs