Don't wash your leather boots too often: Tips that might help

05.09.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Leather is a perfect material for footwear - it's long-lasting, comfortable to wear, and pretty.

Washing leather boots too often is not recommended because leather is a natural material with unique characteristics, and frequent washing or exposure to excessive moisture can have several negative effects on the boots.

Let's find out more.

Leather Deterioration

Leather is prone to damage when exposed to water and harsh cleaning agents. 

Frequent washing can cause the leather to become brittle, lose its natural oils, and become more susceptible to cracking and tearing.

leather boots

Color Fading

Excessive washing can lead to the fading or discoloration of leather boots. 

The natural dyes and pigments used to color the leather may not withstand repeated exposure to water and cleaning products.

Loss of Shine

Leather boots often have a natural sheen or shine that can diminish with frequent washing. 

Cleaning agents may strip away the natural oils that contribute to the luster of the leather.

Shrinking and Warping

Leather has the potential to shrink or warp when exposed to water. 

Over time, this can result in a poor fit and discomfort when wearing the boots.

Reduced Longevity

Leather boots are an investment, and proper care can significantly extend their lifespan. 

Frequent washing can accelerate wear and tear, leading to the need for replacement sooner than expected.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Leather Deterioration
  2. Color Fading
  3. Loss of Shine
  4. Shrinking and Warping
  5. Reduced Longevity