Helpful Tips: How to Clean a Plastic Window Sill

29.07.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

In the article we will talk about simple and effective methods of cleansing.

How to remove a hot stain on a plastic window sill

A solution of baking soda and vinegar will whiten and clean surfaces well. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and rub the powder with a vinegar-moistened rag. You can add liquid soap to the components of the composition. Leave the resulting foam for twenty minutes, then clean the surface and wash with clean water.

How to remove stains on a plastic window sill

Baking soda, washing powders, and table vinegar do a good job of removing dirt, but they damage the structure of the plastic. You can wash the PVC window sill with soapy water or whitening toothpaste.

How can I clean the handle from the windowsill

Hairspray will help. Baking soda helps on some surfaces. Sometimes dimexide is used, you can buy it at a pharmacy. Wet the sponge in the solution and rub the stain, as a result of which the pigment brightens.

How to restore white plastic

Fill the sink with an 8:1 mixture of water and bleach. Put on gloves. Dip the plastic in bleach. Soak again until white.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to remove a hot stain on a plastic window sill
  2. How to remove stains on a plastic window sill
  3. How can I clean the handle from the windowsill
  4. How to restore white plastic