Housekeeping tips: Getting rid of old furniture

24.01.2024 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Sometimes you can find yourself in a situation when you have to get rid of old furniture at home, and it might become a problem.

Old furniture is often heavy and huge, so it might be hard to take it away from your house alone.

Here's what you can do to fix it.


Carefully inspect each piece of furniture. 

If it's damaged, beyond repair, or doesn't fit your needs anymore, it's time to part with it.



Check with local charities, schools, or community centers if they accept furniture donations. 

Some organizations may even offer pickup services.

Sell Online

Take high-quality photos of the furniture and create listings on popular online platforms such as Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or dedicated furniture resale websites. 

Clearly describe the item's condition and set a reasonable price.

Garage Sale

Organize a garage sale to sell multiple items at once. 

Advertise in your neighborhood and price items attractively to encourage sales.

Curbside Pickup

Inquire about your local waste management's bulk item pickup service. 

Follow guidelines for placing items at the curb on designated pickup days.

Rent a Dumpster

If you have a significant amount of furniture to dispose of, consider renting a dumpster for a day. 

This option is especially useful during home cleanouts.

Ask Friends or Family

Check with friends or family if they need any furniture. 

They might appreciate the offer, saving you the effort of disposal.

Recycling Centers

Contact local recycling centers to inquire about their policies on furniture disposal. 

Some centers may accept certain materials for recycling.

Hauling Services

Research local hauling services that specialize in furniture removal. 

They can pick up items from your location and dispose of them properly, usually for a fee.

Post on Free Sites

Utilize websites and apps dedicated to free items. 

Post photos and descriptions of the furniture you're giving away for free. Someone in your community might be interested.

Previously, we talked about how to keep clothes soft.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Assessment
  2. Donation
  3. Sell Online
  4. Garage Sale
  5. Curbside Pickup
  6. Rent a Dumpster
  7. Ask Friends or Family
  8. Recycling Centers
  9. Hauling Services
  10. Post on Free Sites