How to get rid of pellets on your clothes: A few methods that actually work

12.06.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Pellets, or lints, or pilling, can make your clothing look old and sloppy.

It isn't always easy to get rid of them, unless you know one or two methods that actually work.

Here are some tips for you.

Manual Removal

Gently pick off the pellets by hand or use a fabric shaver or lint roller. 

Pull the fabric taut and carefully glide the fabric shaver or lint roller over the affected areas, collecting the pellets. 


Be cautious not to apply excessive pressure or pull the fabric too much to avoid damaging the clothing.

Use a Disposable Razor

Another method is to use a disposable razor. 

Lay the garment on a flat surface and lightly run the razor over the fabric, working in one direction. 

The razor will help shave off the pellets. Take care not to press too hard or use a dull razor, as this can cause damage to the fabric.

Tape or Adhesive Roller

Take a piece of strong adhesive tape or use an adhesive lint roller. 

Press the sticky side onto the garment and then gently peel it off. 

The adhesive will pick up the pellets from the fabric. 

Repeat the process until you have removed all the pellets.

Sweater Comb or Fabric Comb

Sweater combs or fabric combs are specially designed tools for removing pills from clothing. 

Gently brush the comb over the fabric in one direction, collecting the pellets as you go. 

Take care not to snag or pull the fabric.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Manual Removal
  2. Use a Disposable Razor
  3. Tape or Adhesive Roller
  4. Sweater Comb or Fabric Comb