Unobvious places that require regular cleaning: Housekeeping tips

20.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

There are only two types of people in this world - those who always vacuum under their furniture, and those who don't.

In fact, there are lots of unobvious places in your house that require regular cleaning, but you might easily forget about them.

Here are a few examples of places that you should probably clean more often.

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fan blades can collect dust, especially on the upper side. 

Use a long-handled duster or a pillowcase to wipe away the dust. 


It keeps your room cleaner and avoids dust falling when you turn on the fan.

Remote Controls and Light Switches

We touch these all the time, but they can be overlooked during cleaning. 

Wipe them down with a damp cloth or a disinfecting wipe to remove germs and grime.

Trash Can and Recycling Bin

Even though they're for holding trash, they need cleaning too. 

Wash them regularly with soap and water to prevent odors and keep them fresh.

Underside of Kitchen Appliances

Crumbs and spills often find their way under appliances like toasters and microwaves. 

Pull them out and give the space a good clean to maintain cleanliness in your kitchen.

Doorknobs and Handles

High-touch areas like doorknobs and handles can harbor germs. 

Regularly wipe them down with a disinfecting solution to keep your home healthier, especially during times of illness.

Behind Kitchen Sink Faucet

Water splashes and soap residue can accumulate behind the faucet. 

Wipe this area with a cloth or sponge to prevent buildup and maintain a tidy kitchen.

Shower Curtain and Liner

Mold and soap scum can accumulate on shower curtains and liners. 

Follow the care instructions and toss them in the washing machine or clean them to ensure a fresh and mold-free shower area.

Pet Bowls

Our furry friends' bowls can get messy and attract bacteria. 

Wash them regularly with hot, soapy water to keep them clean and your pets healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Ceiling Fans
  2. Remote Controls and Light Switches
  3. Trash Can and Recycling Bin
  4. Underside of Kitchen Appliances
  5. Doorknobs and Handles
  6. Behind Kitchen Sink Faucet
  7. Shower Curtain and Liner
  8. Pet Bowls