The most famous and easily accessible is regular baking soda.
Pour it into your shoes and leave it overnight or at least for a few hours.
Then you will have to thoroughly clean the inside of the boots.

How to remove odor from shoes
Alcohol or antiseptic will quickly kill odor pathogens.
Mix equal parts water and rubbing alcohol.
Spray the mixture inside the shoes or wipe with a damp cloth.
For a more noticeable effect, leave a rag or napkin with an alcohol solution in your shoes overnight.
How to remove odor from leather boots
Sprinkle baking soda into your leather shoes and leave it for about 24 hours.
Then shake out the powder or vacuum it up.
In addition, instead of soda, you can use a special powder made from salicylic acid.
How to remove odor from sneakers overnight
Activated carbon.
Such a simple remedy can absorb unpleasant odors well and even neutralize multiplying bacteria.
It’s enough to take five tablets, crush them and, just like bay leaves, pour them into your sneakers at night, and remove them during the day.