ice cream


Natural ice cream is a source of vitamins important for the body: A, B, P, D, as well as calcium, indispensable for strong teeth and bones, and iron. In the article we will tell you more about the benefits and harms of the product.

Diana Dashkevich sweets health facts studies Cooking 17 July 2023

In summer, you can enjoy amazing home-made ice-cream to cool down and relax. But sometimes your home-made treat isn't that tasty, even when you're sure that your recipe was good.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips cooking mistakes dessert Cooking 22 June 2023

Ice cream is a great dessert for a hot summer when you want to cool off. To make ice cream, you can use a special device - an ice cream maker.

Diana Dashkevich dessert summer cooking Cooking 8 June 2023

Granita is one of the best ways to cool off during a hot summer. In addition, the dessert is prepared quickly and simply.

Diana Dashkevich dessert recipe Cooking 19 May 2023