This indicator determines the duration and intensity of heat treatment.
After all, before roasting, the grains are green, with a pleasant herbal aroma.
Moreover, all useful components are securely sealed inside.

What is the best coffee roast level
For simplicity, the degree of roasting can be represented as a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is the weakest and lightest roast, and 5 is the strongest and darkest.
The deeper the roast, the more bitter the coffee turns out.
Also, during the heat treatment process, sourness is removed from it, if it is present in the original grain.
What does coffee roasting mean
The lighter the roast, the higher the acidity and sweetness of the coffee, and its body is more watery and light.
As the intensity increases, more essential oils are released, so the taste becomes first more chocolatey, then bitter, and the body becomes oily and dense.
What is the healthiest coffee roast
Light and medium degrees of roasting are considered more healthy, since water and essential oils, which in turn are rich in antioxidants, do not have time to evaporate.
Also, under the influence of high temperature, useful substances do not have time to destroy.
Is it possible to drink coffee immediately after roasting
It may seem that it is best to drink coffee immediately after roasting, on the same day.
But this is not true! The coffee beans should “rest” after this procedure.
This is due to the fact that immediately after frying there is too much carbon dioxide in them, and the bonds between amino acids and sugars are not yet strong enough.
Previously, we talked about methods of processing coffee beans.