Okra is a great way to diversify your diet and cook something new for the table. In the article we will tell you what okra is, how to choose it on the market and cook it.
What is okra
Okra is a summer vegetable of the hibiscus family that tastes like zucchini and asparagus. As a rule, the vegetable is green, but red and purple varieties are also found.
The young pods of the plant are edible. They are softer and tenderer.

Choose a vegetable the size of your little finger, without a convex center.
You can determine the freshness of okra by bending the sharp tip: if it is hard, the vegetable is fresh and young.
If the tip is curved, then the pod is overripe.
Press your finger on the pod; it should give in to pressure slightly.
If you want to chop a vegetable, for example, for a stew, you may want to consider more mature pods.
How to cook okra
The sticky juice creates the slimy texture of the vegetable.
Cook whole okra at high heat, if you don't like slimy foods.
For example: deep-fry the pods, in a pan, bake in the oven.
The heat destroys the slimy texture, when roasting a vegetable whole.
Tender, young pods can be fried in batter. The dish will be crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside.
In addition, roasting small pods reveals their sweet taste:
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Sprinkle the pods with salt and spices.
- Bake the vegetable for 30 minutes.
- Serve with a lemon or lime wedge and sauce.