Good to Know: What Tartar Is and How to Eat It

20.09.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The peculiarity of tartare is that the meat from which it is prepared does not undergo any heat treatment, that is, it remains completely raw.

What kind of meat goes into tartar

What is tartare? Tartar is a cold appetizer of French cuisine.

According to the classic recipe, it is prepared from diced beef, raw egg or quail yolk, shallots, capers, olives, parsley, tarragon, olive oil and sauces: these can be ketchup, Tabasco, Worcestershire and soy sauce.

Why can beef meat be eaten raw

There are no microorganisms inside a piece of meat from a healthy animal.

Tartar is also salted and supplemented with vinegar - two barriers to bacterial growth.


Therefore, the dish is practically safe to eat.

Raw beef is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Easily digestible iron, phosphorus and calcium for bones, vitamins B and C, necessary for hematopoiesis and good health, zinc for immunity and the brain, selenium for maintaining the heart and the production of coenzyme Q10, which is responsible for activity and youth.

Why is the yolk in Tartar

The yolk in tartare is not a decoration or a flavor enhancer, as many people believe.

First of all, its use in a dish has a functional feature - it holds the meat together well and prevents the dish from falling apart.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of meat goes into tartar
  2. Why can beef meat be eaten raw
  3. Why is the yolk in Tartar