Healthy Foods: Why You Should Add Raisins to Your Diet

15.07.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Raisins are a healthy and tasty product that is often added to desserts, pastries and ice cream. In the article we will talk about the beneficial properties of this dried fruit.

Health benefits of raisins

Raisins are useful for improving heart function, as they contain, as mentioned above, a lot of potassium. Therefore, doctors advise people with heart disease to take raisins and decoctions based on it. In addition, raisins help with hypertension. Raisins are useful for lung disease, coughs, colds, bronchitis.

The benefits of raisins for the body with disorders of the digestive tract are known. Dried fruit contains coarse plant fibers that improve intestinal motility.

Raisins are rich in antioxidants, and their daily consumption effectively eliminates toxins, toxins and other unwanted substances that enter the bloodstream.

It is believed that raisins have practically no contraindications, but eating such a delicacy in unlimited quantities is still not recommended. The daily norm for an adult is one to two tablespoons, and for a child even less.

Photo: Pixabay

How do people use raisins

Raisins are used to make fruit soups, add to meat dishes and in the preparation of various pastries. Raisins are added to the dough for buns, decorate pies with them. There are also recipes for wine made from raisins.

How to wash raisins after purchase

It is best to wash the raisins by placing them in a colander and shaking vigorously: this way each berry will be well cleaned from all sides. Wash dried grapes with warm water at a temperature of about 40 ° C. After washing, the berries should be soaked.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Health benefits of raisins
  2. How do people use raisins
  3. How to wash raisins after purchase