Eating at night is a bad habit for many.
In this article, we will tell you how to stop eating before bed.
How harmful is it to eat late at night
Some studies show that eating a late dinner close to bedtime worsens symptoms of heartburn, heaviness, and post-morning fatigue.

In addition, sleep may be more restless than usual and it may take longer to fall asleep.
Feeling a little hungry before bed can be helpful.
However, you should not get so hungry that you cannot relax and fall asleep.
If you're too hungry and have a hard time falling asleep, grab a small snack.
How to stop eating before bed
Follow a precise timed diet. Calculate that your last meal, that is, dinner, should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
If you eat dinner too late, you will feel sleepy and tired in the morning.
Since at night the body spent a lot of its energy on digestion.
For dinner, you can cook lean fish or meat, vegetables, pasta, dairy products, fruits.
Add more protein and fiber to your diet.
Yogurt before dinner will reduce hunger.
Also, drink more clean water.
Previously, we talked about foods that should not be eaten on an empty stomach.