How to cook perfect breakfast for your children: Make it tasty and healthy

19.06.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Children don't often cook breakfasts for themselves, so it's their parents' responsibility to make sure they eat healthily.

A good nutritious meal for a child should be balanced and tasty - or else your child might refuse to eat it.

Here are some tips on how to make perfect breakfast for your kid.

Plan a balanced meal

Aim to incorporate whole grains, protein, fruits or vegetables, and a source of healthy fat.

Offer whole grain options

Whole grains provide sustained energy and help keep children feeling full.


Serve protein-rich foods

Include protein sources such as eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or nut butter. 

Include fruits and vegetables

Add a serving of fresh fruits or vegetables to the breakfast. 

Limit added sugars

Opt for unsweetened options or sweeten with natural sources like fresh fruits or a drizzle of honey.

Involve children in the process

Encourage children to participate in meal planning and preparation. 

Involving kids creates a sense of ownership and may make them more excited about eating the meal.

Ensure appropriate portion sizes

Serve age-appropriate portion sizes based on your child's age and appetite. 

Be creative with presentation

Arrange fruits into fun shapes, use cookie cutters to create interesting shapes with toast, or create a smiley face with food items.

Provide healthy beverage options

Offer water, milk, or 100% fruit juice in moderation. 

Encourage children to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Plan a balanced meal
  2. Offer whole grain options
  3. Serve protein-rich foods
  4. Include fruits and vegetables
  5. Limit added sugars
  6. Involve children in the process
  7. Ensure appropriate portion sizes
  8. Be creative with presentation
  9. Provide healthy beverage options