Nutritionist's tips: Your body lacks iron – the main signs

25.01.2024 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Human body needs lots of elements and vitamins to stay healthy and functional, and iron is one of them.

A person with a diverse and healthy diet can easily get all it needs from its food, but if your diet is imbalanced, then your body might lack iron.

Here are a few main signs that you should rethink your diet.



Iron is essential for carrying oxygen to your body's cells. 

When you lack iron, your cells may not receive enough oxygen, leading to fatigue and a general feeling of tiredness.

Pale Skin

Hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that contains iron, gives blood its red color. 

Low iron levels can result in less hemoglobin and paler skin.


Insufficient iron affects muscle function and can lead to weakness and reduced physical strength.

Shortness of Breath

Iron deficiency can result in a decreased supply of oxygen to the body, making you feel short of breath, especially during physical activities.

Cold Hands and Feet

Poor circulation due to low hemoglobin levels can cause extremities like hands and feet to feel colder than usual.


Inadequate oxygen delivery to the brain because of low iron may contribute to headaches and migraines.

Brittle Nails

Iron plays a role in maintaining healthy nails. A lack of iron can lead to brittle nails that break easily.

Unusual Cravings

Iron deficiency might cause unusual cravings, a condition known as pica. 

People with pica may crave and eat non-food items like ice, clay, or dirt.


Insufficient iron can lead to dizziness and lightheadedness, particularly when standing up.

Poor Immune Function

Iron is vital for a properly functioning immune system. A lack of iron can weaken the immune response, making you more susceptible to infections.

Previously, we talked about the benefits of carambola.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Fatigue
  2. Pale Skin
  3. Weakness
  4. Shortness of Breath
  5. Cold Hands and Feet
  6. Headaches
  7. Brittle Nails
  8. Unusual Cravings
  9. Dizziness
  10. Poor Immune Function