Quinoa: Health Benefits

19.10.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Research shows that consuming quinoa may provide several health benefits, including providing important nutrients and reducing some risk factors for heart disease.

What are the benefits of quinoa

Quinoa tastes like brown rice, has a creamy, nutty flavor and a mild flavor.

This product is similar to ready-made rice in consistency, which makes them even more similar in feel.

Regular use of quinoa promotes healthy longevity and delays the onset of aging processes.

The product has cleansing, restorative, wound-healing, analgesic and sedative properties.


The properties of quinoa promote the removal of toxins and enhance the absorption of calcium by the body.

When quinoa is broken down, bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids, which protect against inflammation and are essential for maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier.

Eating quinoa also has a positive effect on microbiota balance and alleviates the symptoms of colitis, an inflammatory disease of the colon.

How much cereal can you eat: norms and recommendations

The fact is that grains contain oxalates - an excess of these substances in the body leads to the formation of sand and kidney stones. I

n order not to expose your body to danger, it is enough to eat no more than 100 grams of already cooked quinoa per day.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of quinoa
  2. How much cereal can you eat: norms and recommendations