Tapioca: what is it and why is it useful

04.08.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


Tapioca (cassava sago) is a grainy, starchy product derived from cassava roots. High-calorie and easily digestible food, widely consumed in tropical countries.

Benefits of tapioca

Tapioca is a product made from cassava roots in the form of lumps of starch. Easily digestible, contains a lot of calories, gives a long feeling of satiety. Used in cooking as a thickening agent, as a substitute for flour, suitable for a gluten-free diet. The product is useful for the cardiovascular and nervous system, bones and teeth.

What does tapioca taste like

Tapioca itself has a neutral taste, so the balls can be safely added to both sweet and savory dishes. Initially, these are white "pearls", but with the help of food coloring they can be given any color, thanks to which skilled housewives will be able to please their loved ones with unusual puddings and sweets.

Can you eat tapioca balls

Tapioca balls are used in cooking as a substitute for cereals. They are used for seasoning soups, cooking side dishes and cereals, added to sweet and savory dishes. They make delicious hypoallergenic puddings, drinks, cocktails and even teas.

Tapioca can be used to cook cereals, make crackers, puddings, bake bread, use it as a thickener for sauces, pies and everything that needs to be thickened. Tapioca is made up entirely of starchy carbohydrates.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Benefits of tapioca
  2. What does tapioca taste like
  3. Can you eat tapioca balls