Why you shouldn’t cook in cookware with a damaged coating: even one scratch on a frying pan can lead to serious problems

21.03.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

In this article, we will tell you whether it is dangerous to cook in a frying pan with a damaged surface.

Why is it dangerous to cook in a frying pan with scratches

Cooking in a scratched frying pan is dangerous to health, since during cooking plastic acid gets into the food, which is poisonous to the human body.

It is especially dangerous to cook compotes in such dishes - fruit acids react with aluminum, which causes the formation of aluminum salts.

They damage cell membranes in the body.

As for damage to non-stick frying pans, using cookware with damaged coating is completely safe for health.


After all, harmful substances are not released when polytetrafluoroethylene is heated.

Are scratches on stainless steel cookware dangerous

Scratches on stainless steel are inevitable because stainless steel is soft as far as steel goes.

Don't worry about this as these scratches are minor and will not affect the performance of the pan.

Previously, we talked about why there is a salty taste in the mouth.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why is it dangerous to cook in a frying pan with scratches
  2. Are scratches on stainless steel cookware dangerous