new baby


Specialists have discovered a curious occurrence - kids often share their birthday months with their mothers. Many people share the same birth month as their mothers, as revealed by a study of millions of families.

Kate Yakimchuk research mother birthday Psychology 18 December 2023

The team of specialists found that whether infants at five months prefer looking at faces or non-social objects like cars is significantly influenced by their genes.  This discovery suggests that there's a biological basis for how infants shape their visual experiences and what they learn about. 

Kate Yakimchuk research child development brain cognition Psychology 9 December 2023

A baby can be the happiest moment of your family's life, changing it forever in many ways. One of the things that new parents are worried about is how their pets will react to the new babies, because they're afraid of jealousy or aggression.

Kate Yakimchuk training children tips Animals 5 December 2023

When it's time for adopted people to create their own families, this experience can be both amazing and challenging for them. People who didn't have to grow in full and loving families might not have the experience to be good parents, but they surely understand the importance of this.

Kate Yakimchuk research family parenting Psychology 5 December 2023