Often, women after childbirth experience a condition called baby blues. In this article, we will tell you what it is and what it may be connected with.
Diana Dashkevich children mental health health facts Psychology 30 March 2024A toxic mother negatively affects a child's development. In this article, we will talk about the signs of toxicity in motherhood.
Diana Dashkevich parenting children safety child development mental health Psychology 26 February 2024You should always start with yourself: develop your horizons, work through traumas with a psychologist. In this article, we will tell you about the secrets in raising a happy child.
Diana Dashkevich children child development mental health Psychology 15 February 2024Specialists have discovered a curious occurrence - kids often share their birthday months with their mothers. Many people share the same birth month as their mothers, as revealed by a study of millions of families.
Kate Yakimchuk research birthday new baby Psychology 18 December 2023It's hard to take care of kids with special needs, but how hard is it? A new study shows that mothers with autistic kids have way higher risks of having depression than moms of typical kids.
Kate Yakimchuk research depression autism Psychology 13 October 2023