

If you love noodles and try new things regularly, then you should definitely try shirataki noodles! They can taste great, and they also have some amazing features making them not only tasty, but also beneficial.

Kate Yakimchuk shirataki calories weight management healthy food Cooking 19 December 2023

Ramen is one of the simplest Asian dishes you can cook at home, and it's also one of the most delicious ones! While it seems to be pretty similar to a regular soup, it has a very distinctive taste - so how can you achieve that at home?

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips asian cuisine ramen tips Cooking 17 December 2023

Soba is a Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour, which entered the diet of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun around the middle of the 16th century. It is usually served chilled as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, but is sometimes added to soups and eaten with hot broth.

Diana Dashkevich soba health vitamins Cooking 19 November 2023

Udon noodles are a traditional Japanese dish, which ranks second after rice. It consists of wide, long noodles served in broth with or without various additives.

Diana Dashkevich health vitamins Cooking 16 November 2023

Funchoza is a healthy and low-calorie product. Funchose contains legumes and is rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and iron.

Diana Dashkevich food health Cooking 15 November 2023

If you want to add more Asian products to your diet, then you should cook funchose more - it's versatile and delicious! The best thing about it is that it's not only for soups or ramens, so you can use it in many different dishes.

Kate Yakimchuk funchose food recipe cooking Cooking 2 November 2023
ramen noodles

If you love cooking and experimenting with food, you can try cooking lots of popular restaurant dishes at home - but they don't always taste the same. Ramen isn't the hardest dish to cook, but it often tastes differently from what you're used to.

Kate Yakimchuk ramen cooking taste mistakes Cooking 1 October 2023

If you're looking for healthy pasta alternatives, then try soba - delicious buckwheat noodles that can make your menu more diverse. They aren't just tasty - they also have plenty of health benefits that can improve your diet.

Kate Yakimchuk food soba health Cooking 13 September 2023

While instant noodles are definitely not included in the list of healthy food choices, they aren't that bad either - but only if you eat them occasionally. Though they don't have anything particularly healthy and beneficial in them, one meal can't ruin your healthy diet either.

Kate Yakimchuk food healthy diet nutrition Cooking 22 June 2023