Serotonin is the hormone of joy and well-being. In addition, serotonin helps regulate bowel function, sleep, appetite, and cognition.Therefore, it is so important to monitor the level of the hormone.
Serotonin and physical health
Serotonin affects not only mental but also physical health.
With a low content of serotonin, the risks of depression, sleep disturbances, increased levels of anxiety, changes in appetite, decreased concentration, and irritability are high.
Low levels of the hormone are caused by an improper diet, genetic predisposition, traumatic events, lack of physical activity, taking certain medications, and thyroid disorders.
How to increase serotonins level
You can increase your serotonin levels on your own, but check with your doctor first. Here are some ways:
- Sports activities;
- Walks in the open air;
- Include foods rich in tryptophan in your diet.
Bananas, turkey, salmon, tofu, eggs, beans, nuts help to increase serotonin.