How to get rid of falling in love: advice from a psychologist

01.03.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Falling in love is not always convenient or necessary.

In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of unnecessary love.

How quickly does the feeling of falling in love pass

The duration of falling in love can be completely different: from a couple of hours to several years.

In the future, this can develop into something deeper and become true love.

Getting rid of being in love is easier than getting rid of love.


It all depends on how adaptive our psyche is, what injuries we have.

On average, a person needs at least a couple of months.

Sometimes it takes longer, since everything is very individual and depends on various factors.

For example, how well you know the person, how often you see each other, and whether you have a future.

How to get rid of being in love

You must value yourself by creating physical and emotional distance from the person you are trying to forget.

Do not monitor social networks, old correspondence and photos.

Psychologists suggest limiting contact with them if possible.

Unfollow them or unfriend them on social media to reduce the number of reminders.

Remove items from your living space that remind you of them.

Previously, we talked about how to get over a breakup.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How quickly does the feeling of falling in love pass
  2. How to get rid of being in love