How to make your kids smarter: A study shows that it's actually quite simple

10.09.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Smarter people succeed in life - so we all want our children to be as smart as possible, right?

Thinking skills are very important for learning and solving problems in everyday life. 

A study from the University of Eastern Finland found that some things can help children get better at thinking.

They should eat healthier

Children who eat healthier foods and eat less red meat tend to get better at thinking.

Reading actually helps

Spending time reading books can make kids better at thinking.

smart boy

Physical activity matters

Playing sports in an organized way can also improve thinking skills.

There are also some things that can make things worse

However, too much time on the computer and unsupervised play can make thinking skills not as good. 

Things like watching TV, walking to school, playing at recess, and how active you are didn't seem to affect thinking skills.

The study involved over 300 Finnish kids, and some of them were part of a special program to eat better and be more active. 

Surprisingly, this program didn't seem to make their thinking skills better.

Why it's important to know

So, based on this study, eating healthy, reading, and playing organized sports seem to be good ways to help kids get better at thinking. 

But remember, there are other factors at play too, like how much money your family has and how your body is growing.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. They should eat healthier
  2. Reading actually helps
  3. Physical activity matters
  4. There are also some things that can make things worse
  5. Why it's important to know