Make your remote work convenient: Psychologist's tips

25.11.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

People who don't work remotely often assume that working from home is pure joy and convenience without thinking how hard it might be.

Imagine waking up in the comfort of your house and forcing yourself to work every day - that's how it usually is.

Here are some tips on how to make this experience more convenient for you.

Set Up a Cozy Work Space

Find a quiet and comfy spot for your work. It could be a corner of a room with good lighting. Make it your own happy place!

Use a Good Chair

Get a chair that's kind to your back. You don't want to feel like a pretzel after a day of work.


Take Breaks to Move Around

Stand up and stretch every now and then. Your body and brain will thank you. Maybe do a little dance to your favorite song!

Stick to a Routine

Try to wake up and start work at the same time every day. Routines make your brain feel more organized.

Stay Connected

Chat with your colleagues or friends online. It keeps you feeling connected even if you're not in the same room.

Dress Up a Bit

You don't need a suit, but changing out of pajamas can make your brain feel more "work-ready."

Have Healthy Snacks

Keep some healthy snacks nearby. Munching on veggies or nuts can keep your brain fueled.

Turn Off Work When Done

When your workday is over, shut down your computer. Give your brain a break. It's like telling it, "You did great, now relax!"

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Set Up a Cozy Work Space
  2. Use a Good Chair
  3. Take Breaks to Move Around
  4. Stick to a Routine
  5. Stay Connected
  6. Dress Up a Bit
  7. Have Healthy Snacks
  8. Turn Off Work When Done