How having friends affects a person’s mental health: important information

23.07.2024 02:00

Socialization is an important part of a person's mental health and well-being.

How friendship affects the human psyche

Friends make a person feel more important. Positive social interactions improve mood, reduce anxiety and protect mental health.

Making friends and connecting with people also builds self-esteem and increases self-confidence.

After all, it is important for a person to feel part of a group.

In addition, friends often help to reveal talents and abilities. Close people support you in difficult times and when it is important to take the first step towards something.

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According to research, good friendship affects a person's physical and mental health in the same way as physical activity and proper nutrition.

In addition, friendship helps a person’s personal growth, fight fears, and also shapes interests.

It is thanks to other people that we most often discover something new and important for ourselves. For example, worldview, hobbies, places.

Friends make it easier to cope with stress, difficult life situations, and reduce anxiety levels.

Warm communication gives a person a feeling of coziness and comfort, as well as care.

It is important for a person not to feel alone in this world.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource