Psychologist's Opinion: How to Stop Being Afraid of Rejection

24.08.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Fortunately, rejection problems are treatable. Many people with these problems go on to develop healthy relationships through therapy.

What is the fear of rejection called

How normal it is to want to avoid rejection. Some people may experience the fear of rejection or rejection much more acutely than others. Scientists call this rejection sensitivity - it is especially characteristic of people who were rejected in childhood.

Signs of increased fear of rejection may include:

The desire to always please others the desire to hide their true feelings and thoughts from others perfectionism (“I won’t be abandoned or fired if I do everything perfectly”) passive-aggressive tendency: too afraid to enter into direct conflict.

What it is Fear of rejection is the irrational belief of a person that no one will accept him for who he is. Because of him, he attaches more importance to other people's opinions than his own, is afraid to say something wrong, seeks approval, is jealous, rejects others for fear of being rejected.


How to stop being afraid of rejection

Ask yourself the question: “What am I really afraid of?” Take a sheet and describe your fear. Put the paper in front of you and read what you have written.

Say: “I recognize you. You are the fear that scares me - I'm afraid of being rejected. I know that you want to protect me and I appreciate that. I am grateful to you for this. But now it's time for me to say goodbye to you. I learned to live without you, I no longer need to be protected. I release you from this role. I'm safe".

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is the fear of rejection called
  2. How to stop being afraid of rejection