No high-quality research proves that Reiki can cure or cure diseases.
However, research shows that Reiki sessions improve relaxation, which can help reduce pain, stress and anxiety.
What is Reiki really
The first - “Rey” speaks of the quality of energy and means Divine, universal, vital.
The second is “Ki”, translated as energy. Together they translate as Universal Life Energy.
Reiki is an ancient system of self-healing, healing and life harmonization.
How does a reiki session work
Thus, a typical contact reiki session consists of four stages: meeting, reciting the request, work, completion.
It is important to note that during a Reiki session a person does not need to undress, since clothing and fabric do not interfere with the flow of energy.
Benefits of Reiki
A Reiki session is a strong, but at the same time subtle method of energetic influence that restores the balance of all human systems and the internal harmony of the body, strengthens the physical body, balances the emotions, mind and soul, and restores a sense of calm, security and prosperity.