Useful to Know: Who are Cholerics and What is Characteristic of Them

03.07.2023 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Choleric is one of the 4 types of temperament in humans. In the article we will tell you how such people differ.

Who are choleric

Choleric is a very energetic person, able to devote himself to business with particular passion, fast and impulsive, prone to violent emotional outbursts and sudden mood swings, with rapid movements. Difficulties in switching attention are possible, he is rather an extrovert.

What patience does a choleric have

Possessing extreme nervous and emotional imbalance, choleric people "flirt", that is, they cannot stop in time. They need a change of impressions, but strong impressions quickly tire them. Hence their incredible ability to get irritated over trifles, short temper and almost complete lack of patience.

What is the self-esteem of a choleric person

Choleric: Self-confident, mocking others, hides his failures, ignores weaknesses.

What does a choleric person like

Choleric - feels excitement, meeting with difficulties. He loves risk and active pastime. At times, he tends to overestimate his abilities. Energetic, but not always able to bring the matter to the end.

Photo: Pixabay

Professions not recommended

The temperament of a choleric person is not suitable for choosing professions with monotonous and monotonous activities. An employee will simply begin to wither if he gets a job as a florist, accountant or librarian. Categorically not suitable for choleric archivists or on the assembly line.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Who are choleric
  2. What patience does a choleric have
  3. What is the self-esteem of a choleric person
  4. What does a choleric person like
  5. Professions not recommended