Why our preferences change over time: It's growth, not lack of stability

15.07.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Our preferences change over time due to various factors, including personal development, experiences, exposure to new influences, and shifting priorities. 

It's normal to grow and change, and it's normal that our tastes don't stay the same as well.

Here are some key reasons why our preferences can evolve.

Maturity and personal growth

As we age and gain more life experiences, our perspectives and values can shift. 

Our personal growth, evolving beliefs, and changing priorities can significantly impact our preferences


What we found appealing or important in the past may no longer align with our current values and interests.

Cultural and societal influences

Cultural and societal influences play a significant role in shaping our preferences. 

Trends, fashions, and societal norms change over time, influencing our choices and tastes. 

Cultural shifts and evolving social dynamics can impact what we find attractive, acceptable, or desirable.

Exposure to new experiences

Being exposed to new environments, people, and experiences broadens our horizons and introduces us to different perspectives. 

Exposure to diverse cultures, art, music, and literature can expand our understanding and appreciation of various aesthetics and forms of expression.

Personal and social identity

As we develop a stronger sense of self and individuality, our preferences can align more closely with our personal identity. 

This includes factors such as our values, beliefs, and self-expression. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Maturity and personal growth
  2. Cultural and societal influences
  3. Exposure to new experiences
  4. Personal and social identity