

A recent study revealed that religious individuals are more inclined to take risks when they contemplate their faith. The research showed that participants who held a belief in a kind and protective God felt more assured when undertaking potentially hazardous or uncertain endeavors, as they perceived a safety net.

Kate Yakimchuk research religion behavior decision making Psychology 1 January 2024

Risky behaviors are pretty hard to predict, but the scientists claim thay've found the molecule that affects it. The findings suggest that somatostatin fine-tunes circuits in the prefrontal cortex to promote specific behaviors, including risk-taking, exploration, and also decision-making.

Kate Yakimchuk research brain Psychology 2 September 2023
sad man

Depression is a leading global cause of functional disability and is typically treated with antidepressants or psychotherapy.  However, a substantial number of patients do not respond to two well-implemented treatment attempts, leading to treatment-resistant depression.

Kate Yakimchuk research depression treatment Psychology 2 September 2023