

Plastic dolls and wooden products are cleaned with vinegar, which has excellent disinfectant properties (soak a cloth in a solution of vinegar and water and thoroughly clean the surface, paying special attention to holes and recesses where dirt accumulates in large quantities).

Diana Dashkevich children safety cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips 13 January 2024

Dogs need mental stimulation and education – just like people, they play and learn, and it's a part of their development. Nowadays, you can find plenty of dog toys labeled as educational, but are they actually useful?

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets facts education dog training Animals 10 January 2024

Sometimes even the simplest things can become amazing interior decorations that can make your house personalized and catchy. For instance, toys can become useful decorations that can attract lots of attention and make your interior diverse.

Kate Yakimchuk interior decoration ideas House Design 29 October 2023

Have you ever wondered why your dog tries to hide its toys from you? While people might see it as a sign of lack of trust, it's usually not - it's just one more curious pet habit.

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs habits Animals 22 October 2023
cat toy

Cats can entertain themselves with almost nothing - everything can be a pet toy if you're curious enough. Meanwhile, some store-bought pet toys aren't great for your pets because of their shape or size.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats tips Animals 14 October 2023

Most rodents tend to be active and curious pets - they love exploring things around them and interacting with various objects. To make your pet rodent happy, you should provide toys and accessories for them - but what should you choose?

Kate Yakimchuk pets rodent cage tips Animals 14 October 2023
scared cat

If you have a child with lots of toys, then you've probably noticed that your cat is afraid of at least one of them. It happens with plenty of cats all over the world, and it's usually unclear why a certain toy can be so terrifying to a cat.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats fears Animals 30 September 2023
cat playing

People love their pets and want to give them as many toys and beds as they want - and it's completely normal. Meanwhile, most of these things are designed pretty badly - so you don't exactly improve your interior design.

Kate Yakimchuk interior pets hair House Design 18 September 2023
dog toy

Dog toys can be not only enjoyable for your pets, but also useful in many ways. If you want your pet to be healthy, well-developed, and happy, then you should choose its toys wisely.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets tips Animals 13 September 2023
dog toy

If you have a dog, then it probably has at least one squeaky toy that it loves. Dogs are known to enjoy squeaky toys for several reasons, primarily tied to their natural instincts and behaviors. 

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets facts Animals 25 August 2023