If you have a child with lots of toys, then you've probably noticed that your cat is afraid of at least one of them.
It happens with plenty of cats all over the world, and it's usually unclear why a certain toy can be so terrifying to a cat.
Let's find out more about why it happens.

Cats are creatures of habit, and they like things they are used to.
When they see a strange or noisy toy, it can be surprising and make them feel uneasy.
Loud Noises
Some children's toys can be noisy or make sudden sounds.
Cats have sensitive ears, so loud noises can startle them or hurt their ears.
Quick Movements
Toys that move quickly or unpredictably might look like something a cat should be cautious of.
Cats are natural hunters, and they can be wary of things that move strangely.
Some toys might be much bigger than a cat, and that can make them seem intimidating.
Cats are cautious around things that are much larger than them.
So, when cats are afraid of children's toys, it's usually because the toys are new, noisy, fast-moving, or just seem too big and strange to the cat.
It's their natural instinct to be cautious around unfamiliar things.