Gardening Tips: Look For These Signs – It’s a Scab!

23.12.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

To keep your garden trees strong and healthy, you should be careful with the first signs of tree illnesses, so you can fix them before it's too late.

One of the most common garden tree illnesses is scab, and lots of apple trees can get infected by it.

Here area few signs of scab you should be careful with.


Leaf symptoms

Scab-infected apple tree leaves often develop dark, circular or irregularly-shaped spots. 

These spots may vary in color, ranging from light brown to dark black. 

The affected areas can appear raised or slightly sunken, and they may have a rough or velvety texture. 

As the disease progresses, the spots may merge, causing larger patches of discoloration. 

Severely infected leaves may become distorted or deformed.

Fruit symptoms

Scab lesions on apple fruits typically start as small, dark spots similar to those on the leaves. 

Over time, these spots may enlarge and become more noticeable. They can have a rough, corky texture and may develop cracks or fissures. 

In severe cases, the fruit's surface may become scaly or even develop raised, scabby areas. 

Scab lesions on apples can be a cosmetic issue, affecting the fruit's appearance and marketability.

Twig symptoms

Scab can also affect the twigs of apple trees. Look for dark, rough lesions on the twigs' bark. 

These lesions may cause the bark to crack or peel, exposing the underlying wood. 

Young twigs can be particularly susceptible to scab infections, and severe cases may lead to twig dieback.

Previously, we talked about growing orchids.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Leaf symptoms
  2. Fruit symptoms
  3. Twig symptoms