Trust is the foundation of a healthy and happy relationship. Nevertheless, this takes time and perseverance.
Diana Dashkevich relationship mental health communication Psychology 6 June 2024Trust is an internal feeling expressed in the fact that a person can identify the interests of another person with his own. In other words, if I trust someone, I can rely on him as on myself.
Diana Dashkevich communication relationship fun facts Psychology 6 January 2024Sometimes you just don't trust someone without being able to explain it - and it's normal. Our brain often sees some red flags faster than it can analyze them, or it tries to protect you at all costs.
Kate Yakimchuk reasons personality Psychology 15 October 2023Lots of people could benefit from psychotherapy, but it's pretty hard for most individuals to trust their psychologist completely. Without trust, your therapy can be fruitless, but it takes time to build trust and mutual understanding.
Kate Yakimchuk research therapy psychotherapy Psychology 14 October 2023People often tend to seek similarity - we like being friends with someone who's similar to us, and we also trust people with similar views more. A new study shows that we even trust people more if they have similar facial structure to ours.
Kate Yakimchuk research communication Psychology 4 September 2023Not all animals are equally trusting, and this behavior can vary significantly between species and individuals within a species. Several factors influence an animal's level of confiding behavior, including its evolutionary history, social structure, and prior experiences with humans.
Kate Yakimchuk pets nature Animals 1 September 2023While AI technologies become more and more advanced, some things never change - people still like human connection more. The emergence of AI and robot preachers offering new ways to share religious beliefs has raised concerns about their impact on reliability and donations for religious individuals.
Kate Yakimchuk research communication Psychology 2 August 2023Some people just can't ask for help, even when they really need it. In some cases, these people avoid getting help from their closest friends and relatives, even when they insist.
Kate Yakimchuk mental health personality personal boundaries relationship Psychology 6 June 2023