Последние новости за 23 декабря 2023 года


Parrots tend to be loud - they are very social birds, so they love making noises - the louder, the better. Even if you love your bird, it might be quite hard to concentrate or sleep well when it sings and screams all the time.

Kate Yakimchuk pet parrots pets facts parrots birds tips Animals
Шеврон Полиция

Задержан замгендиректора ГК "Роскосмос" и два представителя коммерческих структур - подозревают в мошенничестве в особо крупном размере.

Игорь Зур Роскосмос задержание Следственный комитет уголовное дело мошенничество Общество

Астрологи определили знаки зодиака, которые добьются фантастического успеха в карьере и личных отношениях в конце декабря.

Елена Гутыро знаки зодиака гороскоп на декабрь удача Гороскопы

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it's just extremely hard for you to fall asleep? If you're a woman, then it might be tied to your blood pressure, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk research blood pressure sleep patterns health insomnia Psychology

Most people have some citric acid at home in case they need to descale their kettle, but what if you don't have any? Luckily, there are a few alternative methods of how you can make your kettle clean and nice again.

Kate Yakimchuk kettle descaling limescale cleaning tips vinegar cleaning Helpful tips

Many interior designers suggest that your wardrobes (and basically all vertical furniture) should almost touch your ceiling - it looks better! Meanwhile, it's not a great option for everyone - and especially those people who doesn't want to buy new furniture to suit a new trend.

Kate Yakimchuk furniture size ceilings interior tips wardrobe space House Design

Fruit trees seem to be perfectly resilient - they can stay strong and healthy for many years, so low temperatures or snow don't affect them too much. Meanwhile, if you want your apple trees to stay healthy and strong, you should protect them from cold and humidity that can lead to illnesses.

Kate Yakimchuk apple tree winter gardening tips protection trees Garden