Psychologist's tips: Detecting fake friendships

06.01.2024 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Not everyone who claims to be our friend is actually our friend – but sometimes it takes us too long to recognize it.

While some people can hide their true intentions well, there are usually hints that can help you understand what they actually mean.

Here are a few signs of fake friends that you should pay attention to.

Consistency in Actions

Pay attention to how your friends behave over time. 

Real friends tend to consistently show care, support, and kindness. 


Fake friends may only act nice when they want something or when it benefits them.


Real friends are interested in your well-being and are willing to help and support you. 

Fake friends may only be around when they need something from you and may not offer support when you need it.


Real friends keep your secrets, respect your boundaries, and can be relied upon when you need them. 

Fake friends may gossip about you, break your trust, or betray your confidence.

Presence in Good and Bad Times

Real friends are there for you during both good and bad times. 

They celebrate your successes and provide comfort and support during tough times. 

Fake friends may only be present when things are going well for you and disappear during difficult situations.

Genuine Interest

Real friends show genuine interest in your life, thoughts, and feelings. 

They listen attentively and engage in meaningful conversations. 

Fake friends may not show much interest in your life and may often steer conversations back to themselves.

Judgment-Free Zone

Real friends accept you for who you are and do not judge or criticize you harshly. 

They celebrate your uniqueness and encourage you to be yourself. 

Fake friends may constantly criticize, belittle, or try to change you.

Gut Feeling

Trust your instincts. If something feels off or you have doubts about a friendship, it's important to listen to those feelings. 

Your intuition can often provide valuable insights.

Previously, we talked about improving your focus.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Consistency in Actions
  2. Reciprocity
  3. Trustworthiness
  4. Presence in Good and Bad Times
  5. Genuine Interest
  6. Judgment-Free Zone
  7. Gut Feeling