Последние новости за 1 июля 2023 года

living room

When choosing your interior design style, you should know more about already existing styles that can inspire you. Fusion and eclectic styles might look similar, but they also have a few important differences you should remember about.

Kate Yakimchuk eclectic style fusion style eclectis style House Design

You probably get confused sometimes between introversion and extroversion. In the article, we will explain the difference in detail and clearly.

Диана Дашкевич life personality character facts studies Psychology

Most people find butterflies beautiful, but gardeners know they can be both good and bad for their plants. When you have moderate number of them in your garden, they are harmless, and they can also benefit your plants in some way.

Kate Yakimchuk butterflies gardening tips insects Garden
Руки Свеча

Как правильно обращаться с церковными свечами и можно ли их зажигать дома - какие правила и традиции существуют в христианстве.

Игорь Зур религия церковь общество и люди свечи Христианство Люди и события

Breakfast is supposed to be your first meal that gives you energy for the day. While lots of people don't have much time to cook a healthy breakfast, they often use one of the simplest options available, which aren't always healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk breakfast healthy food healthy diet Cooking

Independence Day can be alarming and dangerous for pets due to fireworks. This article will tell you how to keep animals safe.

Диана Дашкевич pets dogs cats animal care safety Animals

While pets can easily find water in their water bowls when they're thirsty, wild animals have to try way harder to find water. If water is so important, then how they manage to find enough of it to survive?

Kate Yakimchuk wild animals animal facts water Animals
child reading

While forcing children to read can make them hate it, reading for pleasure can be actually very beneficial for kids. New research from UK and China claim that kids who read for pleasure when they're young tend to have better cognitive abilities when they're older.

Kate Yakimchuk children reading personality intelligence research Psychology