Последние новости за 28 августа 2023 года


О том, что осень выдастся теплой и ясной, свидетельствует появившаяся 28 августа радуга.

Павел Господарик Главные новости радуга погода народные приметы приметы Минск
dog volunteers

Volunteers play a significant role in helping animals in a variety of ways, contributing their time, skills, and compassion to improve the lives of animals in need.  Their contributions can make a positive impact on animal welfare, conservation, and advocacy efforts. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets volunteering nature help Animals

Нежелательные соседи для роз и растения, что отпугнут вредителей и защитят от болезней.

Игорь Зур сад цветы уход вредители болезни Минск

Paprika grows well in areas with a temperate, tropical and subtropical climate. Popular varieties are cultivated in Hungary, Turkey, Spain, USA. The taste of paprika is multifaceted, it comes in different varieties.

Диана Дашкевич peppers gardening gardening tips Garden
living room

Interiors that are guest-oriented are designed with a primary focus on creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for visitors, guests, and occupants.  These interiors are thoughtfully planned to accommodate the needs, preferences, and experiences of people who visit the space. 

Kate Yakimchuk guests interior coziness House Design
Форма Одежда

Как стирать чёрную одежду в стиральной машине, чтобы сохранить насыщенный цвет и первоначальный вид.

Игорь Зур стирка советы одежда цвет хитрости Минск

For pigeons (granivorous species) - barley, wheat, barley, seeds, buckwheat, millet, peas, lentils and other dry cereals. Salty/fried foods are not on the list - they are bad for any bird's gastrointestinal tract for obvious reasons. Bread doesn't work either.

Диана Дашкевич birds feeding care Animals

Most gardening chemicals are effective tools to achieve amazing results, so you shouldn't be afraid of using them. Whether you should be afraid of gardening chemicals depends on several factors, including the types of chemicals you're using, how you use them, and your personal safety precautions. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening chemicals tips danger Garden
vegetable juices

People who want to lose weight often choose short but tough ways to achieve their goals. Fad diets often fail to deliver sustainable and long-term weight loss results for many people due to a combination of physiological, psychological, and practical factors. 

Kate Yakimchuk dieting food habits Cooking

There are about the same percentage of introverts and extroverts among people. However, introversion is more often preferred to be hidden, because today's society is set up for extroverts. That being said, most people are capable of exhibiting introvert and extrovert modes, depending on the current environment.

Диана Дашкевич friendship communication personality Psychology