Badger: Interesting Facts – Amazing Animal World

05.01.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The color of the head is recognizable: the white muzzle has two dark stripes stretching from the nose (the vibrissae area on the upper lip) to the ears, the tips of which are also white.

The badger is omnivorous, but prefers animal food.

What does a badger like

When hunting, a badger has to cover large areas, searching through fallen trees, tearing off the bark of trees and stumps in search of worms and insects.

Sometimes in one hunt a badger catches 50-70 or more frogs, hundreds of insects and earthworms.

Badgers are predatory animals; they attack and can bite dangerously.


Aggression occurs when people want to see the cubs.

You don’t need to catch or pester anyone, just stand on the sidelines and no one will attack.

Researchers at the University of Utah filmed badgers burying (one partially and the other completely) a cow carcass for later consumption.

The authors note that this is the first documented case of an American badger hiding a dead animal larger than itself.

Where does the badger sleep

Usually the hole lies at a depth of one and a half or two meters, has several entrances and 2-3 large nesting chambers lined with dry bedding, in which badgers sleep during the day, and cubs are born there.

The badger's home differs from all underground shelters of mammals in its cleanliness and neatness.

Previously, we talked about crows.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does a badger like
  2. Where does the badger sleep